ångstromCTF 2023 - Directory Writeup
This (very late) writeup is for the 2023 ångstromCTF “directory” web challenge. This challenge involved a webpage with 5000 directories, with one directory holding the flag. I wrote a simple perl script to enter each directory until the flag is found. Note that every directory without the flag instead holds the text, “your flag is in another file”.
Perl Script
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;
my $URL = "https://directory.web.actf.co/";
foreach (0 .. 5000){
my $new_URL = $URL . $_ . '.html';
my $response = get $new_URL;
print "$_\n";
unless ( $response eq "your flag is in another file") {
print $response;
The script found the flag in about 5 minutes. The script is not very fast, but it gets the job done.