ångstromCTF 2023 - Simon Says Writeup
This (very late) writeup is for the 2023 ångstromCTF “Simon Says” misc challenge. This challenge involved using netcat to answer three questions in a very short time frame. The three questions are very similar. It involved taking the first three letters of one word and concatenating them with the last three letters of a second word. I wrote a perl script to connect to the TCP connection, read the two words, concatenate a new word, and send it back, repeating until the flag is given.
Perl Script
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
my $remote_host = "challs.actf.co";
my $remote_port = 31402;
my $buf = "";
# Example question:
# Combine the first 3 letters of vulture with the last 3 letters of dolphin
my $socket = IO::Socket->new(
Domain => IO::Socket::AF_INET,
PeerAddr => $remote_host,
PeerPort => $remote_port,
Proto => "tcp",
Type => IO::Socket::SOCK_STREAM)
or die "Couldn't connect to $remote_host:$remote_port : $@\n";
while (1) {
$socket->recv($buf, 8192);
print $buf;
if ($buf =~ /actf.*/) {last;}
my $data = $buf;
if ($data =~ /Combine the first 3 letters of (\w+) with the last 3 letters of (\w+)/) {
my $first = substr $1, 0, 3;
my $last = substr $2, -3, 3;
my $string = $first . $last . "\n";
print("sending: $string");
or die "Can't send: $!\n";
The script quickly solved the server’s three questions which rewarded us with the challenge’s flag. It should also be noted that I adapted this script from my friend Reid’s python script, which originally solved the challenge for our team. I wanted to challenge myself by solving the flag with a perl script.